Please respond to event with the following:
phone number,
number of people,
available seats in car

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Arastradero Hike on Thursday October 6

Join us for a shortish hike through Arastradero Park near campus
on Thursday Oct 6. Since the park does not open before 8am,
we'll not leave as early as usual. Meet up at the trail-head at 8am.
For directions and information see
We will wander through the park for around 90 mins.
Some hills, but not high and not steep.
If you want to mountain bike instead, bring the bike along!
There are some great trails for biking, as well as running.
Wear long pants because of possible poison oak close to the trail.


  1. I'll be there with my mountain bike. I'll have an extra spot or two.

  2. Hi all, I will be a little late this morning because i need to take my son to a school event
